As COVID-19 brings everyone home, it’s good to be in a community like Crestwood. As things compress it’s more important than ever to continue our custom of being good neighbors.
Here a few updates and reminders from the HOA Board during the time of coronavirus.

Adhere to Health Recommendations
While it’s good to be neighborly, please follow the guidelines for social distancing, self-quarantine, and other ways to minimize spreading the virus. The recommendations from officials are constantly changing. Go HERE for COVID-19 updates from the CDC website.
We are asking everyone to wipe down the common areas such as handrails, mail area, and elevator buttons with a disinfectant wipe.
Amazon Key For Business
Deliveries are important. But in these times of soft lockdown, we must be able to get deliveries. Before coronavirus dominated the headlines the HOA Board installed Amazon Key for Business. The installation was done on 2/27/2020 allowing drivers who deliver Amazon packages access to the building via a “virtual” fob.
Here’s more info on how this works.
- Delivery drivers get access through a delivery app.
- Temporary access is granted if they have a package(s) for Crestwood and they are at the right location.
- The fob system unlocks the door when the driver’s phone is near the door access panel.
- Once the delivery is made the access expires.
This system improves delivery reliability and security.
Since most gyms are closed, the Crestwood gym is available with the following modified procedures.
- One At a Time
To maintain the guidelines of social distancing please use the gym one at a time. If you go to the gym and it is in use, ask when they will be done and come back later. It is okay to workout with someone you live with such as a spouse or partner. - Clean Before and After
Bring disinfectant wipes to the gym. Clean equipment before and after use.
We live in a great neighborhood, so go on a run or take a walk. Getting exercise during this extended homebound status is important for physical and mental health.
Please continue to follow the parking guidelines in the policies and procedures document. Following these rules is one of the best ways to show your neighbors courtesy during this time when we are strongly encouraged to stay at home.
Backdoor (Double Doors)
There is an issue with the south backdoor (double doors) as it sometimes stays ajar and does not completely shut. Please make sure the door shuts behind you.
- When entering the building, take a second to press the handle making sure the door catches.
- When exiting, you can use your fob to shut the door if it does not close all the way.
The Board is working on replacing this door. Thanks, everyone for your patience with our backdoor until the new one is installed.
Go HERE for info on stores that are open and closed amid COVID-19 concerns
See the FAQ page for answers to common questions.
Feel free to contact the HOA Board if you have any questions.
The HOA Board hopes everyone will be safe. We have a great community and will make it through this.