Renovations are encouraged at Crestwood in a way that considers the building and your neighbors.
Home renovations can be fun and rewarding. But these DIY projects can also be the fodder for horror stories of renovations gone bad. Some are embarrassing and harmless clips that end up on “America’s Funniest Videos”. But other can be painful and expensive. And for condo living one has to think about how it impacts the building and neighbors.
The Crestwood HOA Board supports renovations with a procedure that strives to encourage the renovator while being considerate of neighbors. Below are the General Construction/Contractor Guidelines for Crestwood.

General Construction/Contractor Guidelines
Changes / Additions in Hallways or Patios/Balconies
Any exterior changes/additions—such as doorbells, address numbers, motion sensors, changes to patios, etc.–must be requested in writing and addressed to the Management Company at and the Board at Approval must be granted before a homeowner is allowed to proceed. In the case of a tenant, the request must be made by the owner of the unit. The owner is responsible for all maintenance of approved changes/additions. If improper changes are made then a fine may be assessed and fees may incur to return the property to its original state.
Times of Construction
Monday-Friday- 9 AM to 5 PM. No work may be done on the weekends without board approval.
If deemed an emergency or advantageous to the community, the board may complete construction at off hours with prior notice to the affected unit owners.
Contractor shall clean up any affected common area daily – No exceptions. This should be written into all contracts. Violations are subject to a $150 fine per day.
Contractors may park in the motorcourt if available (no tag needed), or in the parking garage (tag required).
Project Scope
Note: If you are unsure which category your project falls into, the best policy is to inform the HOA Board of all construction projects and their scopes to see if they fall within these rules.
For Small Projects (which are defined as mostly aesthetic or repair/replacement of equipment, with no structural or utility work involved): No prior authorization or communication is required from the Board. EXCEPT: Any exterior unit modifications by the unit owner must have written approval from the Board prior to commencement of construction/replacement due to requirements set forth by the Easements of Atlanta and to maintain the standards of the building.
For Large Projects (which include but are not limited to structural and utility work), the owner must submit:
A summary description of what is to be completed within the unit, including but not limited to common utility (electrical, water, gas, etc.) interruption.
A summary of impacts to common areas from construction and how it will be handled. Examples but not limited to:
Carpet cutting in parking lot, hallway clean-up, power tool usage in common elements, elevator usage required, arrangements for dumpster use, and any other factors affecting the visibility of construction or noise of construction to parties located outside of the unit.
Copies of any architectural plans
Copies of permits from the city of Atlanta.
Copies and contractor agreements (pricing and personal information may be blacked out or supplemented with written information). The Board must know the following: the contractor name and contact information, timing of construction, certifications and type of work to be completed by each contractor. Each contractor must be a properly certified.
Prior authorization must be received from the Board prior to construction commencing (work conducted without prior authorization is subject to potential fines of $150 per day).
The Board has 30 days to respond to a request for approval of a project.
If warranted, the Board may seek the review and approval of an architect or engineer with related costs to be paid by the owner.